Wednesday, March 26, 2008

maybe it's cause I'm getting older...

I use to hate the color green. now I don't mind so much. 

it looks nice with orange.

Monday, March 24, 2008

market went up and what? I did too HOORAY

first time in three months I actually had an up day!!!

still down 42% on the yr. need approx 85% gain from here to break even.

hmmm 85% in a bear market. 

got any ideas?

oh and "right at your door" is decent little terror of being trapped in your house after a chemical attack type movie.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

southland tales...going SOUTH

ugh just horrible. and the cast...ugh ugh.

I can't even talk about this postapocalyptic pretentious rubbish

Saturday, March 22, 2008

i am legend. i am bummmmed....

good production values. excellent. coolest part is nyc after people. awesome stuff. vamps look cool to.

the horrific problem. kind of bleak. too bleak. and for me to say that is something since I'm so damn bleak.

why did the doc have to die?

jesus man, it's just a fantasy flick couldn't they have all gotten away at the end and wound up in the safe zone. doc, dog, woman, kid. man is it that important to stick to the book or play slave to character? the doc has to pay for his sins? well he can do it by saving everyone also.

at least I repeat DONT KILL THE DOG give the dog to the kid.

man that shit bummed me out.

Friday, March 21, 2008

atonemet. I atone...for hating this movie.

can barely make it through this flick. so slooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwww.

I like the piano music. and the typewriter sounds. 

Thursday, March 20, 2008

god hates loving me.

Market goes up 300 I go crazy trying to not lose money. end of day. I lost a butt load.

still I'm grateful if the market had been down 300 I'd be on skid row. (remember that band)

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

another day nuther dollar

good market today. funny thing is that with a 420 point upswing I'm still down on the week and down 70% on the year.

viva la difference

Monday, March 17, 2008

not much to say

lost a TON of money today. death by 1000 cuts.

john stewart was funny about the market this eve.

Sunday, March 16, 2008


not bad. if you like that kind of thing. which I do. a little long. good news is the woman is pretty HOT so extra time is ok.


Saturday, March 15, 2008

dan in real life

not bad. formulaic but overall, enjoyable. 

a lil heartwarming family comodramady

Thursday, March 13, 2008

today's starbuckian money wastage...

venti latte 
venti latte
tall latte

cranberry muffin (shared with dog)
miny scone (dog took a bite)
"artisan" cinnamon bun thing (stale yuky. didn't finish it.)

total cost: I don't know it was on one of those cards. my best guess..

17ish? wow what a waste! except my dog loved the muffin so it was all worth it!!!!!!!

with friends like these..

I asked a "friend" to check out my dopey attempt at putting my dog online.

I'm glad I didn't post footage of my children...(which I'll never have b/c women find me horrifically deformed... on the inside)

HIS EMAIL/review.

On Mar 13, 2008, at 11:29 AM, Mxny ScXXXz wrote:

... there's only 2 or 3 distinct video clips within.

You need to film more video content and then use the dragging across grass as a motif to the music.  If you sequence in too many still shots it looks like the video was created in effigy or for his Bar Mitzvah.  Which would be equally depressing.

The editing on the first 40 seconds is great.


dude you're ridiculous.

love you.

not to be a douche, i would comment on the actual content of your... remarks, but there's no point, they're kind of... obvious.

raised an interesting point on the nature of photo vs video footage and viewing of the respective [sic]

are there good solutions for how to sequence single shots? interesting.. many people have tons of photos. so if there's no way to show them in a sequence w/o looking cheesy it becomes dependent on the artist to innovate!  why hasn't anyone done this? have they? who knows? more importantly does god still love you if you post cheesy pics? probably but only up until a point then he gets annoyed.

effigy? you really mean that? I would tend to go with a less mass crowd burning, beating a dummy with a stick, term  like...


ps my mommy liked it so fuck you!

Aren't we both?

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

nice things i did today...

uploaded that video above.

weighed myself and LOST 2lbs. only took 6wks of eating cottage cheese and soup.

uh...didn't lose money in the market (didn't make any but whew a day without losses is nice)

did some writing. fun.


my hair looks goofy.

had fun dog walks. talked to nice people about eliot spitzer.